J.S. Bach – Mass in B minor
Bachs Mass in B–minor is one of the most magnificent – and probably strangest – musical works in the world. Bach composed music for the ordinarium – the texts of the catholic mass. It was probably never performed in its entirety during Bach's lifetime, as the the music was composed over a time span of more than 25 years. The first performance of the entire mass is said to have taken place in 1835, a good 80 years after Bah's death.
More than two hours of out of this world music, composed by one of the greatest composers of all time. Performed by the Erik Westberg Vocal Ensemble, Vocal Art, Svenska Barockorkestern and soloists Ingela Bohlin (soprano); Anna Zander Sand (alto); Johan Christensson (tenor) och Jakob Bloch Jespersen (bass).
The record is available through streaming services and in vinyl.

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